Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Letter to me.....

I was listening to some music while facespacing it and Brad Paisley's song "Letter to me" came on. If you aren't familiar with it, it talks about what he would say if he could send a letter to his 17 year old self. My wheels started spinning and if I could send a letter to me at 17 this is what I would have to say. Let's face it, I wouldn't write a letter as much as give bullet points. What can I say, I like to make organized lists :)

1. I know switching high schools is rough but try to go with it instead of against it. Get involved. Join some groups. Do something with your time. Oh, and don't ditch so much or fail P.E. Seriously, who fails P.E.?

2. Don't let your parents divorce weigh on you. Sometimes people aren't meant to be together. It has nothing to do with you.

3. You don't know it now but your daddy will become your best friend.

4. Find some self confidence. Your negative self image is only going to damage you. It is a daily struggle still. Tell yourself, you aren't fat. Freckles aren't the end of the world. Gingers become a "thing" to be. You won't always be taller than everyone. You will get braces and take care of that flat chest. Way to go :)

5. Continue not being consistent with the whole safe sex thing. Isiah is one of the most amazing things that will ever happen to you.

6. Just because you have amazing skin now doesn't mean you always will. Can we do some preventative maintenance please?

7. Wear shorts! I don't care how white and blinding your legs are!

8. People will mistake your blunt and honest personality for being an asshole. Don't...wait....no, this is right. You are an asshole!

I am sure that I can think of plenty of more things I would tell the old me or maybe I can't. I like to think that everything the 17 year old me did, good or bad, has made me who I am today. I am pretty ok with that :)