Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Say Hello To My Little Friend

Merry early Christmas to me!!! I have to thank my wonderful in-laws and my hubby for going in together to get me my first gun! You guys are amazing. I can't even express how excited I am. It was 11 long days but she is home :)

Brand spanking new!

Rj put her together beautifully!

The smile on my face says it all (Please pay no mind to the fact that I am hot and sweaty)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Car Seat Business

While I will always know where I stand on my opinions of things, I often don't voice what side of the argument I am on because people often get defensive if it isn't their side. For all of you mothers who are reading this, it is your decision and I an not in any way attacking your parenting skills. For those of you without kiddos, this post is in regards to the new car seat laws suggesting that children be rear facing until they are 2 years old.

Car seat laws or suggestions have long been debated and I can't really understand why. If there is valid proof that your child is SAFER rear facing for longer, why would anything but even be considered? The health and safety of your child should never be up for conversation. Think about all the crazy things you hear could effect your pregnancy and without knowing if they are true or not, you abide by them. You stop drinking caffeine, you don't eat lunch meat, you don't have too much pineapple.....etc. You had control over your childs health and you still do.

I know the only reason you can come up with is "He looks squished" or "She seems uncomfortable". Think again. Unless your baby is screaming in pain (which I know they aren't) they are fine. If they are not in a comfortable position, they will move. Maybe they will stretch their feet against the seat or sit indian style. Look back to all the times you caught your child sleeping in some funky position and though "man, that can't be comfy". Well, they thought it was cause they stayed that way for hours!

We are talking large, life saving numbers here. I am not about to think I won't ever be in a situation where I have to find out if my decision changed my childs life. Car seat laws have changed so much in the last 10 years I have been raising babies and I will continue to change with them. That is, until something outrageous like strapping your kid to the outside of the car is safer comes along. Ha! You laughed and said "yeah right" didn't you? Well, that is how I feel about not listening to safety regulations. Not gonna happen.

*Here is a link to an article regarding the new laws. You can find plenty more!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Victory Dance Anyone?

They say it is the small victories in life that count. I don't know who they are but I sure believe their words of wisdom. I take great pleasure in what I deem to be my small victories. Sometimes, I can't help but giggle at my response to them. Usually it is "Boo-yah" or "What now?" as if I have scored some game winning touchdown. Trust me, no one wants to see my end zone dance! lol. I am sure that they were speaking of bigger things when they placed the saying on some motivational poster with a cute little kitty but tomato, tomatoe!!

1. When I can fit into a pair of jeans fresh out of the drier without doing the good ol' squat and stretch maneuver. *victory dance*

2. When I manage to get both of the boys to nap at the same time. (Mama's you know!)

3. When I go into a store and leave with only the items I intended to come for.

4. When I quickly grab hangers to hang up clothes and find that I pulled out the exact amount that I needed! Boo-ya!

5. When I manage to open the jar that Rj put the death grip on.

6. When I answer a question correctly on Jeopardy. (It may prompt me to bust out into the cabbage patch. What? That shit is hard!)

Take the time to rejoice in your small victories. The ones that I posted are silly but they keep me smiling and laughing. That's what it is all about after all, right?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tater Tot Casserole

I am sure that many of you have heard of or tried Tater Tot Casserole, I had not. We don't eat carbs in our house too often so when Rj got a jumbo family size bag of tater tots I saw my ass grow instantly......I mean....nope, that's what I mean. lol. I was on the hunt yesterday for something to do with them besides slapping them in the oven like the week before. I found different variations on the casserole recipe, some had meat, veggies or onions on top. A few even made me gag at the thought of eating them. So, I took what I wanted from them at made my own version. Which, I am sure if I looked hard enough is someone elses version too. Ha!

I was pretty nervous about it and of course my parents were over for dinner so I ran the risk of poisoning more people than just Rj. Awesome! It actually turned out awesome and that is why I have decided to share it with you. It was a hit with everyone!

What you need:

1 bag of frozen tater tots
1 can (10.5 oz) of condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 (16 oz) tub of sour cream
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese.

How to:

In a 9x13 glass baking pan spread out tater tots in a single layer.
In a mixing bowl, mix soup, sour cream and 1 cup of cheese.
Pour in the pan over the tater tots and spread around equally.
Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top.
Bake at 350° for 45 minutes.

I would like to warn you that when you scoop it out it looks like weird mush which will make you nervous. I promise however that it tastes so good!! We had just about a scoop full leftover and I ate it for breakfast mixed with some leftover brocolli. It was yummy!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You so crazy, I think I wanna have your baby!

In having a conversation with my husband this morning, I learned that women aren't as crazy and bitchy as men think we are. The problem lies within their selective hearing and inability to understand tone. Please see below conversation for a perfect example.

Rj: Do you need a q-tip?
Me: Yeah *opens drawer* Oh, there are none in here.
Rj: I can get you more *putting gel in hair*
Me: I can get them, you have gel all over your hands. Plus, I am not handicapped.

Here is where we take the turn. I was speaking normal and soft (well as soft as I am capable of speaking).

What Rj "heard" me say: No bastard, I can fucking get them myself. I am not fucking handicapped.
Rj: Geez babe, I was just trying to help.

Men, stop twisting shit and making us seem like the crazy ones!!

Disclaimer: No marriages were ruined during the course of this conversation. Rj and I were laughing the whole time as I accused him of "making me crazy". It is all in good fun.

Monday, September 19, 2011

To blog or not to blog......

After just starting this blog, I already find myself at a sort of crossroad. I can't help but ask myself why did I start this thing? My first answer is because I can't fit everything I have to say into one Facebook status update. lol. Honestly though, is what I have to say really note worthy enough to document it in an online diary of sorts for people to read? Who gives two shits?

You do right? Awesome! Let's do the damn thing. I will ride this blog train a while and hope it doesn't derail. If need be I will jump ship. Wait, we were talking about trains.....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I am not raising Mini Me's

I couldn't help myself! Who doesn't think of Dr. Evil when talking about a Mini Me?

I am a very picky eater and people are always telling me "Don't let your kids know you don't like that because then they won't" or "Make sure you cook it even if you don't like it". Word of advice, if you ever happen to come eat at my house, don't tell me these things because I know already and you are likely to get the look of death from me. I know that kids are impressionable. That is why I will choke down steak that is not burnt to a crisp with a smile on my face or fry up some hot dogs talking about how yummy they are when inside I want to lose my breakfast. 

I know what you are saying.....So what, it is just food! Well, that is only the beginning. These little humans that look up to us so much take in more than we know. So, it starts with food but it goes deeper. Children also learn about self confidence from us. This is something that I don't have much of but you can bet your patooty (yes, I said patooty) that I will fake it til I make it! Am I happy with the way my body is right now? No! Will my kids know that? No again! When Isiah asks if I am eating different to be skinny, I tell him that I am eating different to be healthy. This is true, I wouldn't lie to my kids (unless of course it was about Santa or the Tooth Fairy or that they will stop growing if they don't eat their veggies). Of course I want my pre baby fitting into mini skirts bikini ready body back! Meow! He doesn't need to know that though, he doesn't need to grow up with body image issues. I will always tell my sons how perfect and handsome and beautiful they are. It is the truth and I want them to not only believe it but feel it. 

I want to teach my boys to not pass judgement on people that they don't know or on stories they haven't heard. I am not guilt free in the passing judgement department but I can say that in my quest to teach my children to be kind, open minded and nonjudgmental I have opened my own eyes. Now, I like to call what I do being observational! lol. In all seriousness, I hope that they realize things aren't always what they seem and that they take time to know instead of assume.

All of the above things I can teach, or do my best to try. They are the nurture part of being a mother. As far as nature goes, I really hope they inherit my wit and charm! No? Too soon?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

These people are the Bees Knees

Two posts in one night, is this considered being on a roll? Ha! I would like to introduce you to my family, I am sure I will mention them multiple times throughout the life of this blog so this helps us all be up to speed if you will.

This is Isiah. He will be 10 this month. He is my son from a previous marriage and he is currently living with his dad in Las Vegas. This is something that I have struggled with since he left a year ago this month. As hard as it is, I know that he is very well taken care of and he is enjoying getting the chance to be with his dad after living with me for 9 years. Isiah does everything from the heart. He is very feeling and caring. He loves with everything that he has and that is something that makes him so special.

This is Hayden. He will be 3 in Jan. He is a wild little guy! He is very silly, creative and independent. There is never a moment you aren't laughing when Hayden is around.

This is Austin. He will be 1 in Dec. He is really just coming into his little personality and it is great to see. He is always smiling. He is really easy going but he also has a little temper when things don't go his way. 

Last but not least, my hubster, Rj. We are coming up on our 4 year wedding anniversary in Nov. He is an amazing friend, husband and father. Words cannot begin to describe how I feel about him. I am sure I could try but it would get all sappy and mushy and that just isn't my style. lol. 

So, there you have it. A little bit of who's who! 

The beginning of a beautiful friendship

This is officially the start of my blog. Are you excited? Sure you are! Like the title says, this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I always wanted a place where I could give my thoughts, opinions and unsolicited advice. lol. Welcome and enjoy the ride.