Monday, September 26, 2011

Car Seat Business

While I will always know where I stand on my opinions of things, I often don't voice what side of the argument I am on because people often get defensive if it isn't their side. For all of you mothers who are reading this, it is your decision and I an not in any way attacking your parenting skills. For those of you without kiddos, this post is in regards to the new car seat laws suggesting that children be rear facing until they are 2 years old.

Car seat laws or suggestions have long been debated and I can't really understand why. If there is valid proof that your child is SAFER rear facing for longer, why would anything but even be considered? The health and safety of your child should never be up for conversation. Think about all the crazy things you hear could effect your pregnancy and without knowing if they are true or not, you abide by them. You stop drinking caffeine, you don't eat lunch meat, you don't have too much pineapple.....etc. You had control over your childs health and you still do.

I know the only reason you can come up with is "He looks squished" or "She seems uncomfortable". Think again. Unless your baby is screaming in pain (which I know they aren't) they are fine. If they are not in a comfortable position, they will move. Maybe they will stretch their feet against the seat or sit indian style. Look back to all the times you caught your child sleeping in some funky position and though "man, that can't be comfy". Well, they thought it was cause they stayed that way for hours!

We are talking large, life saving numbers here. I am not about to think I won't ever be in a situation where I have to find out if my decision changed my childs life. Car seat laws have changed so much in the last 10 years I have been raising babies and I will continue to change with them. That is, until something outrageous like strapping your kid to the outside of the car is safer comes along. Ha! You laughed and said "yeah right" didn't you? Well, that is how I feel about not listening to safety regulations. Not gonna happen.

*Here is a link to an article regarding the new laws. You can find plenty more!

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