Saturday, November 5, 2011

You see, what had happened was.......

People often ask how Rj and I met and it always makes me laugh. Not the question, but the answer. It happens to be one of my favorite stories because it is random and silly and it lead us to where we are today. So, here it is. I will try to give you the cliff notes version.

Oddly enough, we went to the same high school and didn't know each other. He will tell you that he remembers who I was but I was completely oblivious to the fact that he existed. He played on the same basketball team with my ex husband so I am positive I saw him and that I just didn't pay attention.

Fast forward to 2003. I was newly married to my ex husband and we went to watch a Sanger High football game. When it was over we ran into Rj and his ex wife (this is the first time I have met either of them. Follow me here). They told us they had just bought a house and asked us if we wanted to come by and see it. Sure, why not. A few weeks later we went back to celebrate his ex wife's birthday. Rj and I got in trouble that night for breaking a Smirnoff bottle (yes, people drink that crap) on the patio. Opps!

Fast forward to February 2006. I was moving to Long Beach with Isiah to live with my dad and my friends threw me a going away party. My ex husbands best friend (go with it) who was Rj's roommate drug him out to see me off. They were actually the first ones to show up and I asked Rj where his wife was. He held up his left hand and said "I am getting a divorce". What do you know, so was I! I spent a lot of the night trying to get his attention. Ok, I spent the whole night getting sloppy drunk but he was on my mind too. lol. A few days after the party he calls me and I was pretty excited. Until he asked for my sisters number. Excuse me, what? I gave it up and threw in there she had a boyfriend before I hung up. Are you shocked he asked for her number? Right? He claims that he got nervous to ask me out and since my sister was hanging out with us that night that is all he could think to throw out there. Whatevs!

Fast forward to July 2006. It was the 4th of July and my dad answers my phone. I hear him say "Sure Rj Newman I will tell her you called." I yelled "Don't hang up" and ran down a hill (yes a hill. In a bikini. lol) to get my phone. Rj gives me some line about how they are driving to Mexico and he wants to know if I want to go. Um, go to Mexico with a guy I barely know? That sounds like the perfect thing to do. NOT. What do you think his intentions were? lol. I didn't hear from him for a few more weeks and at the end of July I started talking to him on Myspace. We talked (alright, mostly texts. Rj was shy) on the phone for a few weeks. I was going to be in Fresno for a few days and he asked if I wanted to get together for a drink. I thought a drink and I guess he was thinking date. I didn't even know this guy liked me and the next thing you know the whole 3 days was spent with him and then I was back in town every week for my days off.

The rest as they say is history......November 2006, I move back to good ol' Sanger and get an apartment down the street from him. March of 2007, we move in together. November 10, 2007, we get married. Almost 4 years and 2 beautiful kids later here we are :)

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